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HUB Resorts Verkoop

Request a brochure Drentse Weelde

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Herber would like to personally inform you about the interesting opportunities.
  • Get acquainted with Drentse Weelde
  • Discover the investment possibilities
  • Knowledge from experts from the region
  • Immediately a 4% return over all construction periods

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  • Exclusive information about Drentse Weelde
  • Visual presentation of the homes
  • Explore the investment possibilities
  • Discover the resort
  • Get to know the region
Accommodation type 't Hemelrijck
Cycling in nature

The Drentse Weelde

Your own recreation home in Drenthe where both you and your guests can enjoy yourselves recreationally. Explore the Drents-Friese Wold National Park, one of the largest nature reserves in Europe, or visit the famous Dolmens. Also, do not forget to visit Wildlands Adventure Zoo in Emmen, Rijk der Kabouters in Exloo, or the treetops in Drouwen with the children.

Thanks to the developments at Resort Drentse Weelde, you can immediately benefit from a return. From the moment you purchase a home at HUB Resort, you immediately receive a 4% return on each construction period until the completion of your recreation home! Would you like to know more about the possibilities? Then request our brochure below. 

Want to take a quick peek inside?

Drentse Weelde
Drentse Weelde
Drentse Weelde

The sustainable resort

This resort focuses on nature, with homes and facilities that exude sustainability. Likewise, flora and fauna are carefully handled which is also evidenced by the many insect hotels, bird nesting boxes, and varied vegetation. The holiday homes at the resort have been positioned in a way that gives you a panoramic view of the water from your patio. Each holiday home has a private patio, surrounded by green hedges and blooming shrubbery.